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Tips & Insights

Security, Privacy and David Hasselhoff

What does David Hasselhoff have in common with good security practices?

A lot, apparently...

As defined by the oldest and most respected dictionary in the English language, Urban Dictionary:


"The act of changing a colleague's desktop wallpaper to display the manly physique of David Hasselhoff."

Leaving your workstation unlocked leaves you open to all kinds of security and privacy risks - that email which was meant to stay between you and your colleague, those HR files with everyone's age and salary, that super embarrassing Spotify playlist which is most definitely for your eyes only...

Most of the time you can trust everyone around you, and their curiosity will never be nefarious in any way - but the best way to avoid those slim chances of giving up personal information you may not have wanted to share is to keep that screen locked at all times when you are away.

What better way to be reminded of this than with the hunky physique of Mr. Hasselhoff himself?

It's really no wonder the Berlin wall didn't last long...

So keep that screen locked!

The keyboard shortcut to lock your Windows computer is WIN+L.

The keyboard shortcut to lock your Mac is Ctrl+Cmd+Q.

Otherwise David will soon be knocking down the wall protecting your privacy at work.

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