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Features & Updates

You can now export your raw data in a CSV - Perfect for further data analysis!

A frequently requested feature here at Email Meter was access to the raw data which we use to generate your reports, which are headers from each email with a range of information (full list below), so we have completely revamped our CSV exports to now include all your raw data!

Using our Raw Data Exports, you can now use your Email Meter data in data visualization services such as Tableau and Power BI, unlocking a whole world of possibilities for visualizing and understanding your data - you can even build your own metrics!

You can find full instructions for exporting your raw data CSV here.

No Email Meter Account? Sign up now to get your Raw Data!

Headers Included

date The date in Year-Month-Day Hour:Minute:Second format.

address The email address of the inbox where this email belongs. Useful for teams.


subject The email subject.

from The sender's email address.

recipients_to The recipients in the TO field.

recipients_cc The recipients in the CC field.

recipients_bcc The recipients in the BCC field (this can only be yourself).

is_replied TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if the email was replied to.

is_first_reply TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if it is the first message on a thread and it was replied to.

reply_time The time it took to reply to this email in seconds.

replied_by The person that first replied to this message.

is_first_message TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if it’s the first message in a thread.

gmail_thread_id The Gmail Thread ID, useful to identify and group threads.

direct_message TRUE or FALSE. TRUE if you’re in the TO field.

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With Email Meter, companies understand how work happens and keep their teams productive without constant check-ins

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